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Monday, September 9, 2013

Nursing School Get Off To A Good Start

Ever considered Nursing as your occupation? Taking care of the elderly, playing with youngsters, consoling a sick person, being there for someone when they’re on their death bed? These are a few of the things that you would do as a nurse. The bond that builds up involving the patient and his caretaker – the actual nurse, is something to be beloved. The patient becomes dependent done to you, and as long as he is under your care, you turn into his guardian angel.
Many people also buy nursing as their second job. To become a qualified nurse, you have to take breastfeeding education from any recognized breastfeeding school or nursing college. Nurse education can be like any other education, where selecting taught and prepared for breastfeeding care. The students will be provided with lessons on various health education and learning and medicines by qualified physicians, experienced nurses, and educators. Almost everywhere world wide the basic courses are related; like general nursing, mental wellbeing nursing, and taking care connected with sick children. The courses are generally three years long.

Nursing will be taught in nursing schools. You can also get yourself a post graduate qualification in any kind of specialist subject within nursing at a reputed nursing college. In earlier times, the emphasis was more only within the practical part, but now all nursing schools are focused both on the theoretical in addition to the practical part, as nurses experience so many types of individuals. They have to know what to do and what not to, incase the physician is not around. They get basic education on medicine too. Nurses today are not just a helper of the doctor involved, but they are trained so that they can contribute equally to the team.

Nursing education:

The first nursing school was set by Florence Nightingale at St Thomas’ Hospital, London. The curriculum in those days was just focused on hygienic factor and task competence. Nursing at that time was mainly adopted by girls, often taken in religious orders, but now we find many male nurses in all the hospitals, especially in mental health services. So many nursing schools and colleges have come up with the increasing need of nurses all over the world. It is recorded that in America itself there are about 45,000 nursing schools.

A lot of arguments still surround nursing education. Some believe that practical knowledge is what is most important, but some argue that with so many advancements coming in the medical world, these nursing schools should be able to teach them to manage health care and also to see the “future picture”. So to meet all these needs, nursing schools aim to train nurses who can be nurtured and trained to be life long learners, so as to meet any changes in both theory and practical parts of nursing.

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